English (United States)

US Foods Check-In Line

Report a Concern or Ask a Question

Report a Concern or Ask a Question

Select “Get Started” below to begin the online submission form. Alternatively, if you would like to speak with someone live, phone representatives are available 24/7 at 888-310-7716. You have the option to remain anonymous when making online or phone reports. Note: The Check-In Line is operated by Convercent, an independent and confidential third-party service provider, hired by US Foods.

Click the button below to get started with your report and we'll ask you a few questions about the incident.

Follow-Up or Check Status

Follow-Up or Check Status

You can follow-up or check the status of your report using the access number and password you created.

Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest, or the appearance of such conflicts, can undermine the trust that associates, business partners, and the public place in US Foods. A potential conflict exists when an associate’s objectivity, judgment and/or duty to US Foods could be influenced, or appear to be influenced, by a financial, personal, social or political relationship or activity.

US Foods associates must disclose potential conflicts so the Ethics and Compliance team can assess whether a conflict exists, and if so, what restrictions and responsibilities are placed on the associate. The Conflicts of Interest Policy is available here.

To make a disclosure, click here. Note: your Username is your 6-digit EEID@usfoods.com (e.g. 123456@usfoods.com) and no password is required (click 'sign in' and you will be automatically signed in). Once your disclosure is complete, the Ethics and Compliance team will contact you with next steps.

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Speaking Up

At US Foods, speaking up is core to how we operate and critical to our company’s success. If you believe something isn’t right, speak up and share your concerns, even if you don’t have all the details. Reporting potential violations of our Code of Conduct allows the company an opportunity to investigate and, if necessary, take appropriate action. For ease of reference, the Code of Conduct is available here.   

Speaking up takes courage and we understand that you might be uncomfortable. US Foods does not tolerate retaliation against associates who raise a concern in good faith, whether it turns out there’s an issue or not.  

What you can expect: 
Your report will be taken seriously. 
We will maintain confidentiality. 
If something needs to be fixed, we’ll take action.
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